What We Discover When We Listen

I run 2 miles every morning… or at least I try to.  Yesterday, as I ran down my street, something caught my eye.  It looked like it was a piece of a rubber wrist band that said “u Will Be.”  That’s it.  And it stuck with me for a bit.  As I ran, I thought about what the other words could be.  When I reached home, I was immediately thrust back into my day of meetings, client work and home issues. 

It was a very hard day.  Troubles were compiling and compounding; one after the other.  At the end of the day, I was almost in tears, but I received a message from one of my colleagues.  It said: “Don’t worry.  You will be fine.”  And that was it… I was mentally in tears, but in a good way.  The stress of the day finally hit me.

Today, I ran by that wrist band and know what it is all about.  The “u Will Be” means “You will be fine.”  I listened to my colleague and it fit.  So often we try to play the hero; at work and at life.  We try to be independent and steady.  We rarely accept help, encouragement or kudos.  Why? 

When we are sick, we listen to our bodies telling us we need help from a doctor, dentist or medication.  When we need help with money, we go to the bank (or bank of dad/mom).  When we need help at work, we should be listening to the people around us for inspiration, assistance or just nice thoughts.  Sometimes we may be surprised at what we hear.

So, my ask of you is simple.  First, sit down with your employees, colleagues, customers, managers, and others at work.  Next, sit down with your spouse, kids, parents, siblings, or extended family.  Sit down over coffee, milk, root beer, or your favorite beverage (water is acceptable too).  Next, listen to them.  Is there something they need, is there anything you can do to help them.  The outcome will surprise you and may help them with what they are going through and you will feel the connection and it may solve your issues too.  You will be fine.

The last request is to tweet or comment on this post on LinkedIn, what is your “u Will Be.”  Let’s find out how #uWillBe speaks to you.

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