I am sorry

There have been many times in my life that I need to apologize for. Too many to fit in a blog. The ones that I made at work… some of them… were really bad and I think about them often. I was just on a work call where a colleague said “the quiet part… out loud!” That means that he said what was on his mind without thinking first, that stirred me to say… if I have made anyone feel badly… if due to my actions, words, or both… I am truly sorry. It dawns on me that I have hurt many people, it’s not woke to say… I have behaved badly, poorly, in the past and I feel horrible about it and beat myself up about it often.

BTW, it’s not his fault that he said what he did. This isn’t about him. It’s about me and how what I have done, or not done… may impact others.

So, no matter what I did. Recognize, that I am paying my penance every day. I try to live my life better, by being nicer, volunteering my time, and donating blood and to charities. Also, I am trying not to be as selfish as I have been in the past. I am trying.

Words are sometimes hollow. That’s why I am trying to live the words, not just type or say them.

So, if I have wronged you, know that I am trying to be better and I am trying to change.

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