Almost broken

This has not been a great month for me. Let’s just say that things have not been going well. Then the heat hit. Yes, it is summer, but because I live in an old house. Heat seemingly gets trapped here, especially at dusk.

Last night, a nightmare scenario. Got back from only 1 hour away from the house and returned to find the house hotter inside than outside. What makes this a problem is that my dog was in his crate and doesn’t care that there is a fresh water bottle there for him to drink. He didn’t.

When i let him out of the crate, he took 3 wobbly steps and passed out on his face. It was incredibly scary. Immediately, I brought him upstairs to my bedroom which has AC. BUT, the AC wasn’t on yet and the room was HOT. I put on the overhead fan… nothing helped.

So, I brought him to the shower and gave him a luke warm shower. He HATES the water, but couldn’t fight me. He got out of the shower and fell face-first into the floor. I dried him off and brought him to the bed and never left his side.

Later, I knew he was ok because he wouldn’t let me stop holding him. He wasn’t panting as much now, but coughing weakly sometimes. We fell asleep and I prayed he would wake up in the morning.

We awoke and he was fine. Back to his old self. I am going to keep him with me all day in the AC and never leave his side. If I leave today, I will put him and his crate in the office which has the AC.

For as horrible a month that it has been, nothing could have made it worse than losing my best friend and companion… Oliver. Thank goodness you are ok.

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